个人档案<女|未婚|1975年12月出生|属兔|射手座|身高:161cm|本科|office lady|职业类型:其它|平均月收入:3000 - 4000元人民币|户籍地区:福建厦门|居住地区:福建厦门>
女,1975年12月生,未婚,身高161厘米,本科学历,office lady,平均月收入3000 - 4000元人民币。福建厦门户口,在福建厦门居住,有能力购房。i firmly believe that, every one in the world has his or her own style, and that is the exact reason why God only created one man and one woman, then leave the opportunities and rights of reproduction to human being itself; because one's imagination is surely limited, even thought He is an all-powerful god. so here, i am looking for a true guy, with natural personality and simple taste of life, for that i am the same soul as him.征婚地区: 不限。